A virtual machine (VM) is software that allows you to run other operating systems like MacOS on your Windows PC. You will need to use a VM to install iMovie on your Windows PC.
Two of the most popular virtual machine software are VMware and Virtualbox. They are free programs that let you install operating systems like macOS as if it were running on a separate computer.
Another option is to dual-boot your Windows PC, but that is a more complex process that actually partitions your hard drive. A VM gives you access to iMovie without all that complexity.

Installing iMovie on a Windows VM
Here are the step-by-step instructions to install a virtual MacOS and then get iMovie running on your Windows PC:
- Download and Install VM Software: The first step is to download either VMware or Virtualbox for Windows. These are free programs that will let you install macOS as a guest operating system. The installation process is very straightforward for both programs.
- Download macOS: You’ll also need to download a macOS installation file (an ISO image). The best option is to get the Mojave version of macOS. You can download it free from Apple’s website if you have an Apple account, or from various other sources available online.
- Create a New Virtual Machine: Open up your installed VM software, and create a new virtual machine guest operating system. Select macOS as the operating system and choose the macOS installation file you downloaded. Allocate sufficient memory (RAM) and drive space for the virtual machine to run smoothly.
- Install macOS on VM: Follow the installation prompts to complete the macOS installation within the VM. It will essentially be like setting up a separate Mac computer on your Windows PC, and soon you’ll be at the Mac desktop.
- Install iMovie for macOS: Now within your macOS VM, you can download and install iMovie just as you would on a regular Mac. iMovie is available for free from the Mac App Store. Simply open the App Store application within macOS and search for ‘iMovie’ to install it.
Basic Editing in iMovie
Once you have successfully installed iMovie on your Windows machine through the VM, the editing experience of using iMovie is like that on any regular Mac. Here is an overview of some basic iMovie editing features.
Importing Media
The media that you import into iMovie can include video clips from camcorders and DSLRs, photos, music and audio files. Just connect any compatible devices to your computer or access media files on your Windows file system to import them.
Creating and Managing Projects
You organize all the media that you gather within ‘Projects’. You can have multiple projects saved within iMovie and switch between them. When done, they can be exported directly to video files.
Editing Tools
You have plenty of tools available for slicing clips precisely, cutting and re-arranging them. You can split and trim clips, insert cutaways, insert cross dissolves between clips and more. The video will update live as you make your edits.
Adding Titles, Transitions, Effects and Sound
To polish your video, you can choose from a selection of titles, transitions, and slick icons to insert between scenes. You can also browse Apple’s sound effects library and soundtrack collection, and layer them onto your timeline.
Exporting the Final Video
In the Share menu, you can export your completed edits to a file or directly upload them to video sharing sites like YouTube and Facebook. You can export in a range of resolutions, widescreen formats, and video quality to suit your needs.
Tips for Running iMovie Smoothly on Windows
Here are some additional tips for making your iMovie experience on a Windows virtual machine smoother:
- Allocate sufficient RAM (at least 4GB) to the MacOS virtual machine for best performance. Close other resource-heavy applications on your host Windows machine.
- Store the media files that you import into iMovie on the Windows (host) file system rather than within the macOS (guest) VM for better read/write speeds.
- Use an external SSD drive connected via USB 3.0 to store both the VM, macOS and your iMovie media files and projects to enjoy faster data transfer speeds.
I hope this guide gives you a good starting point to enjoy using Apple’s intuitive yet powerful video editing application iMovie on your Windows PC.
With some minor setup steps, you can access the great features of iMovie alongside your favorite Windows software.