Ethics Statement

At PCSynced, our commitment is to deliver original, enthusiast-driven content that stands for fairness, accuracy, and honesty.

With a rich history in the PC technology domain, we’ve always prioritized our readers’ trust.

Our team comprises IT professionals and tech enthusiasts passionate about PC technology, apps, and related products.

Who We Are, How We Test, Our Experience:

  • Our Team’s Expertise: PCSynced writers are PC technology experts, professionals with IT backgrounds, or tech enthusiasts who deeply understand the products and apps they write about. Our content reflects our team’s profound technical knowledge and authority.
  • Transparency in Testing: We provide detailed test scenarios for clarity and replicability when we conduct product tests or app reviews. We believe in being transparent about our testing methods and practices.
  • Correction Policy: We acknowledge that errors can occur. When they do, we correct them promptly and inform our readers about any changes.

About Affiliate Commissions:

  • Reviewing Products: Occasionally, we receive products for review directly from manufacturers or retailers. Regardless of how we acquire products, our reviews are unbiased, transparent, and free from third-party influence.
  • Human-Centric Content: Humans write all our articles, reviews, and guides. While we utilize technology to enhance our content, we do not rely on AI-generated text.
  • Revenue and Advertising: PCSynced generates revenue through advertising. However, our editorial and advertising teams operate independently to ensure unbiased content.
  • Affiliate Links: We may include affiliate links in our content. When readers purchase products through these links, we may earn a commission. However, our editorial decisions are not influenced by these affiliations.

Software Downloads: Certified Clean Program:

  • Software and App Recommendations: PCSynced recommends software and apps that we trust and use ourselves. We ensure that any software or app we suggest is safe, reliable, and free from malicious content.
  • Commitment to Clean Software: For any software or app downloads we offer, we guarantee that they are free from bundles or unwanted add-ons. Our focus remains on recommending high-quality software and apps to our readers.